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Where is the On/Off switch on my Robic device?

January 21, 2016

My Stopwatch does not turn off!!

Where is the On/Off switch on my Robic device?

Most of us are used to our devices and gadgets having On/Off switch. And it is more common for our devices to have a Sleep Mode option to conserve battery life. So at Robic Timers and Stopwatches, it is not unusual for us to receive inquiries such as:
• My Stopwatch does not turn off!!
• Where is the On/Off switch on my Robic device?
In this day and age, these questions are certainly understandable.

Here’s the scoop –

Robic stopwatches and timers operate using an extremely low drain rate on batteries.

The reason that we do not include an On/Off option on our handheld timers and stopwatches is that the power consumption is so minute that the benefit of extending battery life by turning off the battery would be less than 0.05%.

This is the same as an extra day of life after 3 years of use.

The additional cost in engineering and constructing an On/Off switch would increase costs without offering anything of value. The main consumption of the power in a stopwatch is use of the Daily Alarm beep tone, hourly chime, pacer or the LED backlight. These functions can be enjoyed as often as you need, but kindly note they will reduce power reserves thereby shortening battery life.

All Oslo Robic products use fresh batteries at the time of manufacture which should provide optimal length of service. The batteries can be replaced and can be found at stores everywhere. Please be assured you are not getting short changed on battery life if there is no On/Off switch.

Keep your questions coming!
The Folks at Robic

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